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In the six Trenord maintenance plants (Milan Fiorenza, Novate Milanese, Camnago, Cremona, Lecco and Iseo) work more than 700 people every day to ensure the functionality of the more than 300 trains supplied.

Fiorenza maintenance facility

It is the largest railway maintenance facility in Italy and is located in the immediate vicinity of the Rho exhibition center, on a total area of ??450,000 square meters with 53,300 square meters of warehouses dedicated to the three workshops. Inside the plant there are 33 kilometers of tracks, 15 km of paved road for road routes and 3 km of tunnel routes.


Previously dedicated to Trenitalia's high-speed and long-distance trains, since September 2009, when the union between Trenitalia and LeNORD was formalized, the plant has been managed by Trenord.


Today the Milano Fiorenza facility operates on three shifts and covers the entire working period of 24 hours / day. 340 people work there and has a maintenance and cleaning capacity of up to 140 full trains every week.


The name Fiorenza derives from the Latin name Flòrens, which in turn can be traced back to the verb florere, to flourish. The area on which the Trenord maintenance plant is located is among those included in the "Vie d'Acqua" and "Vie di terra" projects of Expo2015.

Novate maintenance facility

The maintenance center of Novate covers an area of 135 thousand square meters. Inside there are 6 kilometers of tracks. The two warehouses dedicated to cleaning are respectively 210 meters long, with two tracks, and 180 meters, with one track. The depot is a large warehouse with 11 tracks, where the trains of the Trenord fleet are parked awaiting repair or overhaul.


Light maintenance is carried out in the depot, work is carried out on the trains without separating the trolley from the body of the carriage, while the heavier maintenance operations are carried out in the workshop. In the test room, pneumatic, functional and electrical tests are carried out to ensure the correct functioning of each part of the train. There are also several departments, dedicated respectively to trolleys, crates, painting and turning.


 Every day, from 4.30 onwards, trains leave the Novate plant to start the passenger service.


Camnago maintenance facility

Located at the end of the S4 Milan Cadorna - Camnago Lentate line, the new facility joins that of Novate Milanese for the maintenance of the fleet of TSR (80 trains) and TAF (26) trains, in service on the FERROVIENORD network and on the Milanese Passante.


It is equipped with 3 covered tracks dedicated to maintenance and 2 external tracks, under the shelter, used for washing and toilet treatment. With a track length of 235 meters (130 more than the Novate depot), the plant can receive TSR and TAF trains, without having to break them down, up to a maximum of 45 cars worked simultaneously: 27 in the three covered tracks used for maintenance and 18 in the two external tracks used for cleaning.

Cremona maintenance facility

At the Cremona facility, 1st level maintenance is carried out on rolling stock that circulate mainly in the lower Po Valley and 2nd level (VIS * of the ALe582).


It covers an area of 78,814 m2 (of which 13,360 m2 warehouses), on which 6.4 km of tracks and 1.3 km of paved road for road routes wind.


The site is mainly intended for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of light vehicles such as ALe582 and ALn668 and the new GTW trains.


The shape of the warehouse makes it multi-purpose, having a warehouse where scheduled and corrective maintenance activities can be carried out and a warehouse where more specific activities can be carried out, such as major overhaul maintenance.


Every day, from 4.30 in the morning, trains leave the Cremona plant to start the passenger service.

Iseo maintenance facility

The Iseo maintenance site is developed in two adjacent maintenance areas:



Used for cyclic maintenance and heavier activities with 5 holes equipped with a 23m long overhead crane, 2 tracks for processing / overhauling trolleys.

There are also a mechanical area with 2 parallel lathes and a milling machine, a blacksmiths area for carpentry and bodywork, an engine engineers area (with pump test bench, traditional and common rail injector test area), an area electricians where electromechanical components and complete rolling stock air conditioning systems are overhauled (climate and heating) and a trolley area where the complete overhaul of each type of railway trolley is performed


Storage area

Used for light maintenance and all revisions on ATR complexes, it is equipped with 2 holes of 50m, 2 shelter tracks, 1 external washing plant and underbody, 2 wastewater emptying equipment (one fixed and one mobile), a platform for working on imperial (equipped with its own hoist for the assembly and disassembly of bulky components).


The main types of vehicles for which you have a deep knowledge and mastery of maintenance techniques are: Aln668, DE520, ATR220, ATR115, ATR125, CNE517, Diesel historical trains. Several investments are planned to modernize the structure and make the Iseo plant capable of supporting the change of fleet and the renewal of the rolling stock (lengthening of the inspection pit, installation of a trolley for the cyclical activities of the ATR trains, extension and renewal of the trolley revision area).


Every day, the trains of the Iseo facility carry passengers to their destination with the highest quality standards.

Lecco maintenance facility

The maintenance site - born in the heart of an industrial area - has seen the surrounding landscape change over time, finding itself surrounded by what today we can consider the city center.

The construction of the plant dates back to the early 1900s, and still continues in broad terms to maintain its original conformation.


There are 5 covered and two uncovered tracks for the ordinary maintenance of the trains, a maneuvering area with integrated diesel distributor for refueling the trains traveling on non-electrified lines (e.g. the S7 Lecco-Molteno-P.ta Garibaldi) , a track dedicated to the washing of trains and a workshop for the repair and overhaul of bogies and endothermic engines. 


The first train in the morning is ready to leave the plant at 04:30, the last train returns at midnight. The Lecco workshop works with commitment, supplying the lines that connect the areas of Northern Lombardy, in particular the city of Lecco with Milan, Como, Val Chiavenna and Valtellina.

the fleet

The Fleet

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