How much is the penalty?
Travel irregularities are sanctioned by Trenord according to the rules and procedures described in the General Trenord Conditions of Travel.
The administrative sanction applied by Trenord, in force following the L.R. 18/2013, is equal to 100 times the minimum fare of the 2nd class ordinary single journey ticket of the Lombardy Region Single Fare.
What are the main penalties due to?
- On board purchase
- Invalid or missing travel document
- Paper form season ticket filled in irregularly
- Circumvention of inspection
- Irregular transport of bicycles
- Irregular transport of animals
- Use of tickets issued by another operator
- Travel ticket of lower class
- Altered / counterfeit travel document
- Travel document in the name of another person
- Irregular transportation of baggage
- Active repentance
For any detaild, you can wiev the General Condition of Travel.
Have you received a sanction that you consider unfair?
In case of receipt of a sanction deemed unjust, the quickest solution to produce a defensive writing is by filling out the form in your personal area.
Alternatively, the PEC end email contact details, or the address for sending a registered letter with return receipt are indicated in the dedicated section of the personal area.

Payment times and reductions
For payments of penalties made within 5 or 60 days of notification, Trenord provides for reductions on the amount due by law.
If you pay within 5 days from the contestation or notification of the sanction, or in the case of simultaneous payment to the staff in charge of the control, the sum due by law is reduced and equals € 35, to which the expenses of the procedure and travel document:
(Minimum rate of 2nd class x 100/3) - 30%
+ costs of the proceedings
+ cost of the ticket
If you pay between 6 and 60 days from the contestation or notification of the sanction, the sum due by law is reduced and equals € 50 to which the costs of the procedure and the travel document must be added:
(Minimum rate of 2nd cl x 100/3)
+ costs of the proceedings
+ cost of the ticket
If you don't pay within 60 days from the notification or notification of the violation at the residence / domicile reported in the assessment report, the penalty will amount to 100 times the price of the ordinary single journey ticket of minimum class at the Regional Single Fare. Lombardia in addition to the costs of proceedings and shipping of the injunction order:
Minimum rate of 2nd cl x 100
+ costs of the proceedings
+ cost of the ticket
If you have received a penalty and have not paid it immediately, you can, within 30 days, request its cancellation by means of a defensive letter, by filling out the form in your personal area. From the left menu, in the "Services" section, select "Sanctions - Defensive Writings". It is necessary to choose the type of sanction for which you want to appeal in order to enter the data of the report or injunction that you want to contest.
Alternatively, you will have to forward to our office in charge (including the penalty in your possession, original travel documents if present , and all the documentation that you consider relevant for the purpose of the request) to the following PEC address: or to the email address
You can also send it by registered letter with return receipt to the address:
Trenord - Ufficio Legale
P.le Cadorna, 14/16
20123 Milan (MI)
Provided that the wording "Injunctions" is placed on the envelope sent.
In compliance with current legislation relating to the processing of personal data, it is also necessary to fill in and attach the appropriate consent form that you can download here.
Once the submitted documentation has been examined, our office will decide whether to cancel, modify or maintain the sanction against you.
Questa risposta ti è stata utile?
Se questa risposta non è stata sufficientemente chiara o completa, o se necessiti di maggiori informazioni, ti invitiamo a scriverci direttamente attraverso la pagina Contatti.
Grazie per il tuo feedback. Se hai bisogno di altre informazioni su prodotti e servizi Trenord ti invitiamo ad utilizzare i nostri canali di assistenza
To make the payment of a fine, you must make a transfer corresponding to the amount due to the following bank address
Bank transfer details:
Postal code: n ° 1000055895
payable to Trenord Srl - Piazzale Cadorna 14 - 20123 Milan
IBAN IT 11 K 07601 03200 001000055895
* indicate the number of the assessment report
Questa risposta ti è stata utile?
Se questa risposta non è stata sufficientemente chiara o completa, o se necessiti di maggiori informazioni, ti invitiamo a scriverci direttamente attraverso la pagina Contatti.
Grazie per il tuo feedback. Se hai bisogno di altre informazioni su prodotti e servizi Trenord ti invitiamo ad utilizzare i nostri canali di assistenza