Bergamo - Treviglio
The R2 Bergamo - Treviglio Regional Line is part of the Route 14.

How long does the Bergamo - Treviglio trip take?
The distance between Bergamo and Treviglio is 22 km.
The Trenord train service on the Regional Line R2 Bergamo - Treviglio connects Bergamo to Treviglio in about 30 minutes. Trains run semi-hourly and stop at all stations.
- From Bergamo: first train 5:50 am; last train 21:20
- From Treviglio: first train at 6:08 am; last train 22:08
How much does the Bergamo - Treviglio cost?
From Bergamo to Treviglio the second class price for a Trenord train only ticket is € 4.80. Discounted tickets for children and seniors are also available, as well as supplements for bicycle and animal transport.
What are the stops on the Bergamo - Treviglio line?
The Trenord Regionale R2 Bergamo - Treviglio service stops at:
Bergamo Ospedale, Ponte San Pietro, Terno, Calusco, Paderno-Robbiate, Carnate-Usmate, Arcore, Monza, Sesto San Giovanni, Milano Greco Pirelli.