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Tickets and timetables for Como S. Giovanni - Milano Centrale

Travelling by train with Trenord: discover all the comforts of the Como S. Giovanni - Milano Centrale route 


Do you have to reach Milano Centrale from Como S. Giovanni but have no intention of getting stuck in traffic on the highway?

Whether you have to travel for work, for leisure or for any other reason, the train is for you. Trenord trains can connect you in just 40 minutes without changes and offer you a comfortable and relaxing journey, without having to worry about a thing.
The train connection starts at 05:19 in the morning, and continues with about 17 trains, in service until 20:36. This way you can decide to leave at any time of the day.
If you still need information or if you need other explanations, read on and you will find the answer to all your questions.

Offers and discounts

By purchasing the subscription on the site, you avoid the queues and, in the case of a monthly bonus, it is automatically discounted.
Furthermore, if you are a Trenord subscriber with an Io Viaggio card, you are also entitled to discounts on admissions to exhibitions and theaters and benefits on insurance and services with our partners, find out more in the section dedicated to the benefits for subscribers.


Travel information

The distance between Como S. Giovanni and Milan Central Station is 47 km.
The Trenord train service on the Milano Centrale Como S. Giovanni line connects Milan to Como in about 40 minutes.

From Milano Centrale the first train leaves at 6:43, the last train at 21:43.
From Como S. Giovanni the first train leaves at 5:19, the last train at 20:36.

Discounted tickets for children and seniors are also available, as well as supplements for bicycle and animal transport.

The Milano Centrale -Como S. Giovanni line crosses the provinces of Milan and Monza and Brianza, where the STIBM integrated tariff system is in force. Only to travel between two stations, both in the STIBM area, you need to purchase an integrated STIBM ticket.

Travel time

About 40 minutes


47 kms


17 trains/day

First train


Last train


Departure station

Como San Giovanni

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