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Tickets and timetable for Milano Central Station - Mantova railway line

Train travel with Trenord: discover all the amenities of the Milano Central Station - Mantova railway line 


If you must reach Mantova from Milano Central Station but you aren't bothered to get in a congested highway, whether for work, travel or any other reason, the train works for you. Trenord trains offer a 2 hours of cozy and relaxing journey without changes, not worrying about it.


The first departure is at 6:00 until 20:00


This way you can decide to leave any time of your day.


If you need more info or clarifications, keep reading and you'll find the answers.


Offers and discounts

By purchasing your subscription on the website, you avoid queues and the possible monthly bonus is automatically discounted.

If you are a Trenord subscriber and you have the "Io Viaggio" card, you are entitled to discounts on exhibitions and theatres acesses, benefits on insurances and services with our partners. Discover more in the dedicated section here benefits for subscribers.

Travel information

Distance between Milano Central Station and Mantova is 151km.

The Trenord train service of the Mantova – Cremona - Codogno - Milan railway line connects Milan to Mantova in about 2 hours.


From Mantova first train departs at 5:18, the last one at 20:42.

From Milano Central Station the first train departs at 6:20, the last one at 20:20.


From Milano Central Station to Mantova, Trenord 2nd class ticket is 11,50€.


Discounted tickets for children and elders are also available, as well as supplements for bicycle and animal transport.


The Milano Central Station - Lecco railway line crosses the provinces of Milano and Monza and Brianza, where the STIBM integrated tariff system is in force. Only to travel between two stations, both in the STIBM area, you need to purchase an integrated STIBM ticket.


Journey time

About 2 hours


11,50€ for a 2nd class ticket




10 daily rides

First departure


Last departure


Departure station

Milano Central Station

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