Thanks to the Io Viaggio in Famiglia facilitation, children up to the age of 14 (not yet turned 14) travel free of charge on public transport, on Trenitalia and TPER in Lombardy regional trains, when accompanied by an adult family member (parent, grandparent, uncle, brother/sister) in possession of a valid ticket or season ticket.
How to access the Io Viaggio in Famiglia facilitation?
- On an experimental basis, for customers who only use Trenord service vehicles, the Io Viaggio in Famiglia card can be requested in digital format to be printed as a .Pdf file and used immediately. Alternatively, it can be requested in physical format to be picked up 30 days later at the Trenord ticket office of choice (while waiting for the card, it will still be possible to travel with a provisional form, valid for 60 days, which will be sent with the e-mail of receipt of the card request).
- For customers who also use public transport other than Trenord, the Io Viaggio in Famiglia card must only be requested in physical format, by accessing the same online form. The card will be available after 30 days at the Trenord ticket office indicated during the request phase (while waiting for the card, it will still be possible to travel with a provisional form, valid for 60 days, which will be sent with the email requesting the card).
Children under 4 years of age always travel free of charge and do not need the Io Viaggio in Famiglia card.
Fill in the form with your data, that of the minor holder of the card and any accompanying persons
Print the card in digital format and use it immediately or, alternatively, if you want the card in physical format, request it with the same form and collect it after 30 days at the ticket office
Travel with the card printed on PDF or the physical card to show in case of controls
Rail pass for several minor children
For families who purchase monthly and annual passes for the public transport of several minor children, thanks to the discount Io Viaggio in Famiglia:
• The subscription of the second child benefits from a 20% discount.
• The subscription from the third child onwards is free.
There is no discount for the first child's rail pass.
To join the promotion, simply fill in the appropriate form modulo abbonamenti and deliver it to the ticket offices, which will issue the discounted season ticket for the child/children.

The “Io Viaggio in Famiglia” discount applies to the following passes:
• Monthly (Trenord, STIBM, Malpensa Express, TrenoCittà, Io viaggio ovunque in provincia / Lombardia).
• Quarterly (Io viaggio ovunque in Lombardia).
• Annual (Trenord, STIBM, Malpensa Express, Io viaggio ovunque in Lombardia).
• Discounts and free tickets are applied to passes that have the same time validity, even if issued by different transport companies.
• The discount and free tickets are applied to the subscription that costs less.
• The discount cannot be combined with other discounts (eg student passes).
To join the promotion, simply fill in the appropriate season ticket form and deliver it to the ticket offices, which will issue the discounted season ticket for the child (children).
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